Top 10 Methods To Quickly Generate Leads For Network Marketing or MLM Businesses

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To be successful in a network marketing or MLM business,you need leads. A lot of them. And if you’re like most people,you don’t have the time to generate them manually. So,what are your options? Here are ten methods you can use to quickly generate leads for your business. 



1. Networking – This is the best way to generate leads,but it can be time-consuming. You have to go out and meet people so they know who you are and what you do.  


2. Make a List of People You Know – Don’t neglect those closest to you. Write down everyone that comes into your mind as a possible candidate for your business opportunity. Double-check their age and eligibility by using this Network Marketing Eligibility Quiz. If you haven’t talked to them in about six months,take the initiative and catch up with them first and then present your MLM opportunity as something that could benefit them now or in the future. You will be surprised how many ‘friends’ start giving you excuses on why they cannot get involved right away when you present them with this option.  


3. Network Marketing Webinars – If you are in an experienced network marketing company,the best way to generate leads is through webinars. These are online seminars where people who can be your leads gather to learn about different topics within your industry or niche. Watch how do I join a network marketing company? for more tips on how to successfully join one! It’s also the best time to give out great information and promote your opportunity without having to directly name it at all because by enticing them with useful content,most of the audience will automatically sign up or enter their email address just so they can get access to that same juicy content again in the future.


4. Ads on Social Networking Sites – There are thousands of social networking sites today. It’s practically impossible to know all of them,so just target the most popular ones where your prospects usually hang out at. This includes Facebook,YouTube,Pinterest,Twitter,Tumblr,etc.




5. Ads in Forums – People with common interests gather in forums to discuss the things they love the most. You can find these people online and join discussion threads related to your niche or industry. If you don’t know where to find them,use Google.


Network Marketing Lead Generation


6. Email Marketing – This is very effective if done correctly because you are directly communicating with leads who have given their permission for your message beforehand! A good way to do this is by using an autoresponder and email marketing software like AWeber (use this link and get a $1 trial!) or GetResponse. Create your messages for the subscriber list and distribute them to thousands of prospects who may need you. Don’t spam though or else your account will get banned!




7. Advertise in Magazines – There are many magazines online today that talk about different topics related to your niche. Find the popular ones and advertise on their websites. This is usually done on banner ads but some sites accept text links as well. Make sure you know how advertising works on a particular site before committing to an agreement with them,especially when it comes to budgeting. 




8. Buy a List – While buying lists is not the best way to generate leads because most of them are either fake or outdated,it’s still an option you can consider if you’re in a hurry. Just make sure that the list is targeted and that the people on it have agreed to be contacted by third-party advertisers.


9. Google AdWords – This is the best way to go if you want to get leads that are very specific to your niche. You can target people who have searched for certain keywords on Google and then place ads on their search results pages.


10. Joint Ventures (JV) – This is an agreement between two businesses where each one provides something of value to the other for them to generate leads and sales together. Usually,this is done by placing one company’s offers,products,or services on the other company’s website. Since you know your industry better than most people,this is a great opportunity to generate leads because you will be giving them content that can help promote their product or service without even mentioning it.



We know that generating leads can be challenging. That’s why we wanted to share with you the top 10 methods for quickly generating more leads for your network marketing or MLM business. You may find some of these techniques will work better than others,but it’s important to try them all and see what works best to maximize your potential for success! What do you think? Have any other ideas on how people should generate more leads online? Let us know in the comments below!